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What We Offer
Obtaining a high risk merchant account directly with a processing bank has always been difficult for merchants classified "high risk" by Visa and Mastercard for various reasons. It has been especially difficult for adult entertainment merchants and adult website owners, because for the past 10 years or so, there have only been two banks in the U.S. who accept adult merchants. XMerchant is the first processor in over 10 years to set up a direct relationship with a third U.S. bank to offer direct merchant accounts to adult entertainment merchants and website owners.

Do you only work with merchants who have perfect credit?We offer the lowest discount rates for high risk and adult merchant accounts, so we generally work with merchants who have a good credit rating.
What discount rate do you offer?Our discount rates are among the lowest in the high risk processing industry, starting at 4.25% for high volume merchants.
How long does it take to get set up with a high risk merchant account?Typically, a new high risk merchant account can be set up within 7-15 days, depending on how quickly we receive the required documents.
Do we have to be an established business to open a high risk merchant account?Yes. We only work with established merchants in business for at least 2 years.
What is the maximum chargeback ratio we can have in order to get approved?Your chargeback ratio for the past 3 months cannot exceed 1% of your monthly volume.
Are your high risk merchant accounts offered through Merrick Bank or West America Bank?No. We have an exclusive relationship with a local U.S. bank that works with merchants in the adult entertainment industry and other industries typically underserved by banks and financial institutions.
Do you charge any up front fees?No. The only up front fees are the standard Visa and Mastercard set up fees for high risk merchants which are only charged after your account is appoved and fully set up.
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